Monday, February 27


A quick way to reduce stress

  • Inhale deeply ; Find a comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe deeply until your lungs are completely filled. Exhale slowly through the air with ease. Think that the "good air" we breathe as a solution, and the "bad air" we breathe as a problem.
  • Progressive Relaxation Therapy ; Find a comfortable position, Close your eyes. Try to do this exercise while listening to relaxing music. Stretch some of the specific muscles and then relax, from head to toe.
  • A positive mental attitude ; Once you do that relaxation by taking several deep breaths, visualize yourself successfully completing an event or situation. Think positively and see yourself successfully.
  • Socialize ; Phone a friend or go to lunch with someone you feel comfortable with him. Talk about something fun that you can for both.
  • Jokes and laughter ; A good way to deal with stress is to laugh. Laughter is often referred to as "inner jogging". When you laugh, your muscles contract, and increase your heart rate. After that, your muscles will be more relaxed than before.

EASY WAY to stay in shape

Join a class of aerobic fitness can be a great way to improve your health.
  • Assist in the reduction / maintain weight.
  • Increase stamina and reduce fatigue.
  • Improve the condition of the heart and lungs by increasing the amount of oxygen available.
  • Helps the heart to use oxygen more efficiently.
  • Assist in managing your stress levels
  • Improve your mobility
  • Reduce the risk of developing hypertension and stroke potential
  • Improve the quality of your blood cholesterol by increasing HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce LDL (bad)
  • Reduce the risk of developing certain forms of cancer, including breast, colon and prostate cancer []


To make your digestive system to adjust, it is important to increase your fiber intake slowly.
  • Choose a breakfast that contains fiber: Start with cereals are good sources of fiber such as oatmeal or other forms of wheat containing 2.5 grams of fiber or more per serving. This is a great way to start a healthy day!
  • Additional useful: If you use oatmeal for breakfast, try adding some fruit that has been sliced ​​or whole, such as bananas or strawberries, to help your fiber intake.
  • Read the label on the packaging: look to see if wheat or grain is listed as a key ingredient to ensure that the product is whole grain sources and check the levels of fiber they contain.
  • Snack of fruit and nuts: dried fruits or nuts can be a tasty snack, healthy, and contain fiber when you move.
  • Consumption of vegetables and fruits can be eaten with the skin where, do not be discarded. Because, this can increase the intake of healthy fiber. []

Antioxidant, WHEAT and HEALTH blood vessels

Eating a bowl of oatmeal as part of a healthy breakfast has long been touted as a healthy way to start your day. This is explained by the fact that oats contain soluble fiber (soluble fiber), which has been shown to help lower LDL (bad cholesterol). But two recent studies, suggest that soluble fiber is not the only benefits to heart health that found in oat.
Until now, scientists thought that beta-glucan soluble fiber found in oat is the only ingredient to help heart health. While beta-glucan plays an important role in the process helping to lower cholesterol, may not be the only elements that play a role. Oats, like fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals, which are natural chemicals found in plants. Phytochemicals are being studied to understand its role in maintaining the health of people. Oats, in particular, contains a large number of flavonoids, which are antioxidants that help protect cells from oxidation. While almost 4,000 flavonoids have been identified in the plant world, the scientists only recently started to explore how the flavonoids found in oats can be beneficial to your health.
In one study, conducted at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (Aging) at Tufts University, researchers took multiple phytochemicals found in oat to observe their effects on cholesterol and other substances found in the bloodstream. During the study, the scientists.
take a measured LDL cholesterol and how easy it will be oxidized in a reaction tube with or without flavonoids extracted from oat. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol is believed by health authorities as a process of hardening of the arteries. The researchers found that oat extracts inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol. They also found that adding vitamin C and E, both of which are strong antioxidants, have a powerful effect in the presence of phytochemicals in oat more than they expect.
"What we appear to do is build a story that is more than just oat soluble fiber. Nature has memberikanya most (flavonoid) than those found in fruits and vegetables," said researcher Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D., professor of nutrition and chief of antioxidant research lab at Tufts University.
In the second study, also conducted in a test tube, scientists examined the effects of flavonoids known as avenanthramides on cells from human aorta and concluded that this chemical reduces the number of molecules that attach to the cells. This study shows that avenanthramides can help reduce the initial stages can lead to the formation of plaque on artery walls. Flavonoids also seem to have anti-inflammatory by reducing the production of cytokines, the proteins that trigger inflammation in the immune system response.
"The assumption is that the presence of these compounds in natural foods will prevent any problems (health) in the old days," said Mohsen Meydani, DVM, Ph.D., professor of nutrition and director of the vascular biology laboratory at Tufts University, who worked on the study.
Tips to Adding More oats into your diet
Replace crackers or flour panir in meatballs and meat dishes with oats
Using oat mempanir fine for fish or chicken.
Replace up to one third of oat flour in breads, cakes, biscuits, or muffins.
Make oatmeal pancakes were added with fresh fruit
Make the oat-based granola
Substitute beans in biscuit dough with oats that have been roasted. When you use a frozen biscuit dough, gently knead into a dough oat that has been softened before baking.
Use oats as a topping to add a crispness that is sprinkled over fresh fruit you
Sprinkle on top of yogurt or low-fat ice cream with toasted oats and fresh fruit in
Use oats instead of flour as a thickening of the soup.
There is no doubt that the oat is an important component of heart-healthy diet. With scientists continue to study the oats, many more potential benefits for heart health can be found. If you are looking for an easy way to improve your heart health, try eating oats.
If you want to try more food and cooking ideas like these, visit our Recipes section.
Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA: United States Departmentof Agriculture]


You may realize that managing your cholesterol is an important part to prevent heart disease. But do you really know how to manage your cholesterol or understand what cholesterol numbers mean? If your answer is no, do not worry, you're not alone. Institution of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Program) has developed guidelines for managing and cholesterol testing. Here are some important points from this guide:

= At what age should I check my cholesterol levels and how often? All adults aged 20 years or more have cholesterol checked at least once every five years.

= What tests should I take? Instructions guidelines recommend that your doctor should ask the lipoprotein profile including total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) and triglyceride test your fasting conditions. The best test is where you can fast for 9 to 12 hours before blood drawn.

= The numbers listed in the test results mean anything? When you re-visit a doctor to discuss the results, we recommend you to bring this table. This table will help you understand the results of these figures.

= What can I do first to help me before my heart tests?
You can prevent coronary heart disease by changing your lifestyle. Here are some guidelines recommended changes:

  • Reduce your consumption of saturated fat foods, trans fat, and cholesterol.
  • Become more physically active.
  • Take control of your weight.
  • Increase your physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day.

= How can I change my diet to reduce cholesterol and heart disease risk?
Guidelines manual recommends the following changes in your diet to help lower your blood fat levels:

  • Reduce saturated fat to 7% lower than your total calories. Trans fatty acids are fats that raise cholesterol, so limit your fat is bad too. Total fat should be only 25% -35% of your total calories.
  • Carbohydrates (from whole grains, especially whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) should be 50% to 60% of total calories).
  • Eat foods rich in fiber.
  • Limit protein to 15% of total calories.
  • Reduce your cholesterol with heart-healthy recipes from our recipe section.

= What is said in the guidelines for guidance on physical activity? A lot! We need to balance our energy intake with energy use to maintain a healthy weight and avoid weight gain. Increasing physical activity is key in minimizing the risk of heart disease. Aim to be active every day for at least 30 minutes. You do not need to chase the target for heavy exercise. You can walk, ride a bike or jogging to lead to a healthier life. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting any exercise program. [Source : JAMA, May 16, 2001-Vol. 285, No. 19 National Heart Lungs and Blood Institute Cholesterol Guidelines]

Sunday, February 26


Cardiovascular disease generally results from atherosclerosis, a condition in which plaque buildup in arteries. This buildup develops gradually over time, in a soft layer of fat that is formed along the inner walls of the arteries. As the buildup continues, the soft layer of fat starts to harden into plaques that constrict blood flow through arteries. This is what can lead to heart attacks, the formation of blood clots, or stroke.
There are several risk factors that could cause whether or not you will have, cardiovascular disease in your life .. Some risk factors are beyond your control, such as gender and your genes, for example. Men usually have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease than women, as well as those who have relatives with cardiovascular disease. There are several other risk factors, however, it can be controlled or even eliminated if you implement a healthy lifestyle.
Here are eight steps you can do to have a healthy heart and reduce your chances of getting cardiovascular disease:

Know Your Risk Factors
It is important to be aware of any risk factors you may have. For example, if you have parents or other close family members with cardiovascular disease, you are at higher risk. Chances of developing cardiovascular disease also tended to increase with age. People with diabetes who have cardiovascular disease risk is higher because of high blood sugar associated with the narrowing of blood vessels. People with diabetes also tended to have higher levels of "good" HDL is low and increases levels of triglycerides (blood fat).

Choose Healthy Foods
Your diet can have a major impact on your risk for cardiovascular disease. Limit to consume red meat, fried, or fatty foods. Fill your diet with fruits and vegetables, lean meats such as poultry and seafood, and fiber-rich foods such as Quaker Oats and whole grains bread.
If you are overweight, try to reach an ideal weight and maintain.

If you are currently overweight, your risk for cardiovascular disease is higher. The reduced 5 to 10 kg body weight can help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Consult your doctor or dietitian for a healthy diet that is right for you.

Create and follow a regular exercise program.
According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005, recommended to reduce the risk of chronic disease for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise every day of the week. Consult your family doctor to find out the shape of activities appropriate for your age and physical condition you have.

Check with cholesterol and blood pressure regularly.
Ask your family doctor to check cholesterol levels and blood pressure at least once a year. If one of these two levels are high, your risk for cardiovascular disease will increase. Your doctor can help you change your lifestyle by improving diet and add exercise in order to control cholesterol levels and your blood pressure. In some cases, your doctor may also prescribe medication to help restore your cholesterol or blood pressure numbers to normal levels.

If you smoke, Stop!
Smoking is one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease. According to the American Medical Association, people can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease is the (nearly half in one year) to stop smoking.

Take Control of Your Stress Level
Stress contributes to heart disease. Stress can also cause increased blood pressure and can lead to unhealthy behaviors like smoking or eating unhealthy foods. Try practicing meditation or yoga as a way to cope with stress. Take a few minutes of every day and doing activities you enjoy, like listening to music or reading, for example.

Do not Ignore the Signs of Emergent.
Feeling of burning sensation in your chest is probably indigestion, but it can also be a warning sign of cardiovascular disease. Other symptoms may include tightness that comes from the breast bone and into the jaw, neck and arm or shortness of breath. If you have these symptoms, do not ignore. Let your doctor determine what is causing this and follow his advice.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death
While some causes are beyond your control, but some you can control. If you follow a healthy diet and perform an active lifestyle, you may be able to reduce the risk of heart disease. Consult your family doctor to determine the pattern of lifestyle that is right for you. []

Tuesday, February 21

Overcome Disease Worms

Worm disease is caused by a worm eggs hatch into a child's stomach and worms called larvae. Yes too afraid to imagine. Well in the stomach of the larvae will eat the foods later, so we become much thinner even though we eat.
Worms usually occurs in children who are not patient with hygiene. Worm eggs usually hide behind the nail. So cut your nails regularly and keeping clean.
The following medicinal plants to cure intestinal worms can:

* The root Pomegranate
- 7 grams of pomegranate root

How to make: root Pomegranate Wash a small cut with a glass of boiled water boiled for 15 minutes. Then strain and drink the water until they run out

* Betel Leaves
- 5 pieces of betel leaf stalk
- 25 grams of black Intersection
- 10 grams of coriander seeds
- 25 grams of bangle

How to make: All material in the wash. 5 pieces of thin sliced ​​betel leaf stalk. 600cc then boiled with water, until the remaining 300 cc. Drinking boiled water while warm. Do it regularly 2 times a day.

* Seeds of holly
- Holly seeds 4-6 points

How to make: holly seeds finely ground, then sad with half a glass of hot water. Refrigerate for a while continued to drink until they run out. done once a day.

* Coconut
- 1/4 coconut butit
- 1 carrot

How to make: All the material is washed and shredded, mixed with a glass of boiled water. Juice, strain and drink before bed

* Purslane
- Fresh purslane

How to make: purslane washed. 600cc then boiled with water, until the remaining 300 cc. Drinking boiled water while warm. and krokotnya eaten. Do it regularly 2 times a day.

* Papaya Seed (worm medicine Bracelet)
- 2 tablespoons papaya seeds
- Honey

How to make: papaya seeds are dried, then ground into a fine. Brewed with half a glass of water and add a little honey. Drinking regularly 2 times a day.

* Papaya Leaf (pinworm medicine)
- 1 papaya leaves
- 15 grams of jasmine tree roots

How to make: All the material is washed. 600cc then boiled with water, until the remaining 300 cc. Drinking boiled water while warm. Do it regularly 2 times a day

* Garlic (pinworm medicine)
- Garlic 3 eggs
- 30 grams of papaya roots
- Brown sugar to taste

How to make: cut the red sugar and all the material is washed. 600cc then boiled with water, until the remaining 300 cc. Drinking boiled water while warm. Do it regularly 2 times a day

Sunday, February 19

Overcoming Diarrhea Overcoming Diarrhea Overcoming Diarrhea

The rainy season already started to go ya, when you need them to prepare for this season, the rainy season is synonymous with various diseases, and we should be able to maintain stamina. One should be wary of the disease are diarrhea, diarrhea caused by infection of the stomach or intestines. It is better we take care of every food we eat. Be sure to eat foods that are hygienic.
Symptoms can include diarrhea, bowel money several times a day accompanied by watery stool, stomach pains, or vomiting, so patients can lose fluids.
There is a way or a traditional recipe of herbs for diarrhea:

- Eclipta Alba Leaf
Take a leaf-aring Urang kira2 30 grams, then boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc. drink 2 times a day and drink while warm.

- Leaves Hanzi
Take 4 handheld leaf grass jelly, grass jelly squeeze leaves with boiled water, then filtered, cooled for a while until menkadi agar. add a little coconut milk and palm sugar, then eat. Leaves of grass jelly can also be to treat heartburn.

- Seeds of guava leaves
Take kira2 guava leaves 30 grams, then boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc. drink 2 times a day and drink while warm.

- Skin of pomegranate
Take the leaves of dried pomegranate skin kira2 30 grams and 10 grams of tea leaves, then boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 300 cc. drink 2 times a day and drink while warm.

- Wood Lagerstroemia
Wash 2 fingers bengang timber, mash until smooth, then pour boiling water with ½ cup water, stirring until smooth then strain. Drink until they run out

Saturday, February 18

Overcoming Thrush

Thrush is very painful, but just a little but sore wound. But below this there is no cure thrush from medicinal plants worth a try.

- Treat thrush with coconut water, coconut drink enough water or green coconut water if possible.

- Honey can also be used for thrush. simply applied to the wound. Honey is usually quite powerful to cope with thrush

- Ricinus communis leaf sap, sap rub it on the wound, so thrush can dry quickly and do not feel sick anymore.

- Potion of guava leaves can also be to treat canker sores. Do I take a handful of guava leaves, fresh or bud, bark and 1 finger. Then boiled in 1 liter of water. Strain and then drink 2 times a day.

- Betel leaves can also for thrush, simply by chewing betel leaf that has been washed. Can be done every day until the thrush disappear.

Friday, February 17

Hemorrhoids or Piles Overcome

Piles or hemorrhoids is a disease that occurs due to an infection or inflammation of the colon. Piles is caused due to drinking a little water. Lack of drinking water causes defecation becomes hard to the gut into the wound. Gradually, the intestines will then become swollen due to frequent injuries.

Symptoms of hemorrhoid disease there are several indications depending on the severity. Initially the complaints during bowel movements such as burning, itching, and stinging pain also in the area around the anus. Other symptoms of soft lump in the rectum and the numbers could be more than one and after a bowel movement there is a trickle of fresh blood in the anal area. If you feel these symptoms then immediately to treatment with potent traditional herbs hemorrhoid overcome this.

Fermented Cassava
Eat fermented cassava truly ripe (very soft) 3 times a day regularly. Make a habit of this though hemorrhoid symptoms had disappeared. Some literature states that the tape of other materials such as white sticky tape or black sticky tape can also treat hemorrhoids, hemorrhoid even though it is severe. It is said that yeast contained in the tape can be healthy digestion and sewer.

Rinse a few pieces of young guava leaf stone and a stone that is not a banana peel. Puree and squeeze to remove water. Drink the juice every day on a regular basis to heal hemorrhoid disease.

The way a banana fruit in the blender and added to as much as one glass of whole milk. Drink 3 cups a day during regular basis during the week

Wash the spinach with warm water and smooth in a blender, then strain the water. After the grain was mixed with a chicken egg and salt to taste. Stir until blended. Drink once a day at bedtime.

Gotu kola
Clean and cut into 5 following gotu kola plant roots. Add 1 cup hot water and simmer about 5 minutes. Let cool and then drink a little 1 cup a day. (various sources)

Thursday, February 16

Foods to Improve Immune System

As reported, Wednesday (14/12/2011), the following materials can add extra strength to fight the flu in winter.

1. YoghurtProbiotics in yogurt is a healthy bacteria that keep the intestines and digestive tract free of disease-causing germs.Though already available in supplement form, a study from the University of Vienna in Austria found that 7 ounces of yogurt each day is as effective as immune tonic.In a Swedish study of 181 factory employees, those who drank a daily supplement of Lactobacillus reuteri (probiotic specifically stimulates the function of white blood cells) have the amount of 33% fewer sick days than those given a placebo.Optimal dose: Two 6-ounce servings per day.

2. Wheat and barleyAccording to a study in Norway, these grains contain beta-glucan, a type of fiber with antimicrobial and antioxidant capabilities more potent than echinacea.When animals eat this compound, they tend to be less frequently attacked by influenza, herpes, even anthrax. In humans, the benefits can enhance immunity, memeprcepat wound healing, and help antibiotics work better.Optimal dose: At least one of three daily servings of whole grains.

3. GarlicOnions contain allicin, the active ingredient that fights infection and bacteria.British researchers gave 146 people a placebo or a garlic extract for 12 weeks. The result, participants who ate garlic two-thirds less likely to develop flu.Other studies have shown that people who chew garlic cloves a week over six levels of colorectal cancer and 30% lower rate of stomach cancer 50% lower.Optimal dose: Two raw cloves a day and add the crushed garlic in cooking for a couple of times a week.

4. FishSelenium are found in shellfish, lobster, and crabs. Its function is to help white blood cells produce proteins that help cytokine flu virus out of the body.Salmon, mackerel, and herring rich in omega-3 fatty bergyuna reduce inflammation, increase air flow, and protect the lungs from colds and respiratory infections.Optimal dose: Two servings a week (unless it is or planning to become pregnant).

5. Chicken soupResearchers from the University of Nebraska found that chicken-flavored ramen noodle block the inflammation caused by the migration of white blood cells.This finding is important because the symptoms of a cold response to the accumulation of cells in the bronchial tubes. Cysteine ​​amino acid produced from the chicken during the cooking process. These chemicals like bronchitis drug acetylcysteine.When added spices such as garlic and onions, may boost immunity.Optimal dose: One bowl when feeling tired.

6. TeaA Harvard study found that people who drank five cups of black tea a day for 2 weeks of being able to resist 10 times more virus in their blood than people who drank a placebo beverage.L-theanine, an amino acid responsible for increasing the immune system, much abundant in black tea and green tea either.Optimal dose: A few cups a day.

7. BeefZinc deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiency in adult Americans, especially for vegetarians and people who have reduced portions of beef, the main source of minerals that strengthen immunity.Zinc deficiency in the stage light alone can increase the risk of infection. Zinc in the diet is essential for the development of white blood cells, cells of the immune system that identifies and destroys bacteria, viruses, and various other substances.Optimal dose: 3 ounces of lean beef provides about 30 percent of the Daily Value of zinc. If you do not like beef, can try oysters, fortified cereals, pork, poultry, yogurt, or milk.

8. Sweet PotatoSweet potato serves as first-line fortress against bacteria and viruses that do not want.To stay strong and healthy, skin needs vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a major role in the production of connective tissue, a key component of the skin.One of the best ways to get vitamin A in the diet is from foods containing beta-carotene (such as sweet potatoes) are converted by the body into vitamin A.Optimal dose: One half-cup serving provides 170 calories but only 40 percent of the daily value of beta carotene. Other foods rich in beta-carotene: carrots, pumpkin, canned pumpkin, and melons.

9. MushroomsFor centuries, people around the world have made use of mushrooms for a healthy immune system.Studies show that mushrooms increase the production and activity of white blood cells, making them more aggressive. It is good when the body is exposed to infection.Optimal dose: shiitake, maitake, and reishi mushrooms appear to be most beneficial to the immune system. Experts recommend at least 1/4 ounce to an ounce several times a day.

The fruits that are Worth Avoiding When Diet

Here are some fruits that are best avoided when your diet, as reported by Livestrong, Friday (01/06/2012):

1. date palm
Dried dates contain the highest sugar content of any fruit. Dates have a glycemic score of 103, higher than that of pure glucose glycemic memikiki 100. When you're on a diet, try replacing the dates with other dried fruits such as dried apricots or raisins which has an 50-glycemic index.

2. watermelon
Watermelon looks like healthy fruits that contain lots of water and fiber. But the sugar content of watermelon is much higher than other fruits, namely 72, which is considered high on the glycemic index scale.

When you're on a diet, try to replace a watermelon with fruit salad consisting of orange, strawberry and pear fruit that has a glycemic score of 40 or lower. The energy of these fruits can last longer, which can help you avoid consuming excess calories.

3. pineapple
Perhaps not surprising that the pineapple has a score that high blood sugar because it tastes sweet. The glycemic index of pineapple is 66, which is considered moderate stage (medium). Peach with a glycemic index of 42 and an apple in their mid 40s can be a better substitute pineapple.

4. lychees
Lychee is a tropical fruit from South China and has a high glycemic scores around the 70's. Lychee fruit can be replaced with black cherry fruit that has a glycemic index of 22. [detikcom]

Low Calorie food to Ruin Your Diet program

These low-calorie foods that can ruin your diet, as quoted from iVillage, Tuesday (02/07/2012), among others:
1. Milk with fat content of 2 percent is not much different from regular milk 2 percent milk seems to be much lower in fat than regular milk. However, the fact the whole milk contains about 3 per cent fat, so not much difference with the 2 percent milk fat.

 "A low-fat diet is defined by having 3 grams of fat or less per servings of milk and 2 percent had 4.9 grams of fat per serving," says Keri Gans, a nutrition expert.
2. Brown eggs are no better

Color on the outside of the egg has nothing to do with the nutrients in it. The nutrients found in brown and white eggs are basically the same.
3. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always better than frozenThere's nothing wrong with buying fruit and frozen vegetables, especially when fruits and vegetables is not in season.

 "Fruits and vegetables frozen actually a pretty healthy choice because it frozen at the peak of maturity," according to Gans.
 Look for fruit or frozen vegetables with no additives, such as sugar, and avoid vegetables mixed with sauces, butter or cheese. If the only option is to buy canned, choose low-sodium to vegetables and fruit packed in natural juice. Wash all canned vegetables with cold water to lower the sodium content before heating.
4. Salad is always low in calories"A regular burger can have 250 calories and 9 grams of fat, while the salad with grilled chicken can have 380 calories and 23 grams of fat. When choosing a salad, a word of caution with the sauce, because it may contain many calories.
5. Fat-free cookies or sugar snacks are not necessarily the right choiceTypes of sugar-free cookies or fat-free is often caused by eating large quantities. So when you eat fat-free cookies sugar free or not to eat too much.
6. Margarine and butter have the same fat and caloriesMargarine that contain trans fats (hydrogenated oils) not only increase the bad cholesterol (LDL), but also lower the good cholesterol (HDL). Also keep in mind that margarine and butter have about the same fat and calories.
7. Choose low-fat peanut butter is not always goodChoose low-fat peanut butter is not always a better choice over the ordinary kind. In fact, more sugar and sodium is often added to replace the fat content low. Well you should read the label of jam which contains trans fatty acids or partially hydrogenated oils.
8. Frozen yogurt better than ice creamSome people think that healthy yoghurt. Because there are several brands of frozen yogurt that has a cream with almost twice the calories. [detikcom]

Wednesday, February 15

Eating Fresh Fruits to Energy Enhancer

Eating fruits is the best way to increase energy because it contains natural sugars and carbohydrates are healthy, as well as other nutrients that could fuel the body.

Here are some types of fruit that can be energy-enhancers, as reported by Livestrong :

1. Fruits that contain iron
If the iron deficiency, the body will be weak and fatigue easily, and can cause anemia. Women are particularly vulnerable to iron deficiency because blood loss during menstruation.

Fruits that contain iron can be in times of weak energy enhancers, such as apricots, prunes, dried pears, apples, bananas, oranges and strawberries.

2. Fruits that contain high carbohydrate
Bananas provide a quick dose of energy because it contains vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the body's main source of fuel, so eat a banana is a good way to increase energy levels. Mangoes and oranges also contain lots of carbohydrates.

3. Fruits that contain lots of water
Fruits that contain lots of water to prevent dehydration of the body are usually characterized by symptoms of fatigue and dizziness. Fruits that contain lots of water such as watermelon, oranges and grapes.

4. Fruits with high fiber
Apple is a fruit that contains many nutrients, including carbohydrates. One medium apple contains about 25 g carbohydrate. In addition, apple skins contain fiber is digested slowly, and when eaten in combination with other carbohydrates, apple will give you long lasting energy. [detikcom]

Having regular sex, Sharpen Memory

Way more fun, which is still sexually active on a regular basis so that brain function is maintained until advanced ages.

A study in Rockstock University showed that regular sex can maintain cognitive function or intelligence. Even until the age of 70 years, someone will not go senile if still regularly having sex with his official partner.

Research conducted by Prof. Peter Kropp and Dr. Britta Muller involved 170 people with an age range 63 to 75 years. The researchers interviewed the respondents related to sexual activity, and psychological tests to measure memory and intelligence level.

"The results clearly show that by staying active in old age, including sex, will help keep the brain active cognitively," says Prof. Kropp in the scientific report as quoted by Medindia on Tuesday (02/14/2012).

In addition, the observations also refute the notion that once older people rarely have sex. According to the observations, 70 percent of the elderly in the age of 75 are still satisfied with their sex lives compared to just 57 percent in the age group 63 years.

Typically, young people in the age of 20 years thought his sexual passion will fade when entering the age of 50-something years. However, in this study revealed, both men and women have tended increasingly active with age but his health did not allow.

Even if physically it is not possible, the important thing is to maintain intimacy between both partners. According to Prof. Kropp, just holding hands or looking at each other intimately can make cognitive brain remains active. [detikcom]

Tuesday, February 14

Fruit and Vegetables for Lose Weight

Fruits and vegetables to replace high-calorie foods that can help control calorie intake. In addition, eating fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and protein can also make you feel full longer, and increased energy for physical activity throughout the day.

Here are some of the best fruits and vegetables for weight loss, as reported by Livestrong, Thursday (09/02/2012):

1. apple
All fruits and vegetables that contain lots of water and fiber can produce a satiety signal in the small intestine, apple one. Once ingested, apple producing hormones GLP-1, which sends signals to the brain to persuade you or think the stomach is still full.

Research shows apples are also very effective for weight loss. Eating a medium-sized apple 15 minutes before meals to help regulate appetite.

2. orange
Oranges contain high fiber. Oranges can help feel full longer. So it may help to eat less throughout the day.

3. spinach
Spinach is a vegetable that is very low in calories and can be used in a variety of foods, like soups, side dishes and salads. Spinach can increase feelings of fullness during caloric restriction.

A study has been published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, which compared the effects of spinach and other vegetables in a feeling of fullness. The result, spinach can make sense of satiety more than other vegetables such as carrots.

4. broccoli
Such as spinach, broccoli is high in calories and low in volume. In addition, broccoli is very low on the glycemic index, which is an indicator of how quickly the food absorbed by the body. That way, the broccoli can help you lose weight and body fat more quickly than foods with high glycemic index like white bread and soda, according to Oregon State University.

Monday, February 13

Benefits of Tomatoes, Antioxidant Natural Resources

Almost everyone knows tomatoes (Licopersicum esculentum). Without knowing the fruit of the season turned out to contain a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to health. Various studies have shown, tomato beneficial for heart health as well as the antidote to free radicals.Many varieties of tomatoes, such as the tomato fruit is large, tomatoes with a smaller size and cherry tomatoes are just a marble. Whatever the type, tomatoes contain nutrients that almost the same, which is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients substances.Rich in AntioxidantsAnother Keisitimewaan height tomatoes is lycopene content. In addition to providing the red color in tomatoes, lycopene is shown to be effective as antioxidants. Lycopene may also reduce the risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer, stomach, esophagus and colon. The content of chlorogenic acid and p-kumarat acid in tomatoes can weaken cancer-causing nitrosamines substances. Vitamin A is contained in tomatoes is very good for eye health.Tomatoes are also widely used in the beauty industry, a lot of masks and anti-aging pill is made from tomatoes. Not without reason, the pigment lycopene was shown to be effective as an antioxidant. Other substances such as Tomatin in the tomatoes are as anti-inflammatory, which can heal wounds and acne. If you have a fever, tomatoes also have a nature alias lowering fever antipyretics. While the high fiber in tomatoes are able to overcome digestive disorders like constipation and hemorrhoids.Prevent Blood ClotsBenefits of tomatoes actually been in a long time carefully, as the study DR. John Cook Bennett of Wiloughby University, Ohio, conducted in November 1834. Research results showed tomatoes to treat digestive disorders, diarrhea, restore liver function and bile attacks. Other researchers from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland, found the yellow gel that surrounds tomato seeds can prevent clumping and blood clots causing stroke and heart disease. Tomatoes are also able to recover from impotence and increase sperm count and increase the agility of his movements.Better cooked :Consuming tomatoes should be cooked first. As revealed from the study of world food agency FAO-WHO. The results of this institution shows if lycopene is not damaged and there were not much changed during heating. Even the lycopene content will increase 10-fold when it is processed into tomato sauce or tomato paste.Lycopene is part of the fat-soluble carotenoids, but lycopene is fat soluble it difficult to absorb by the body. Therefore, the recommended way of processing tomatoes in boiled or steamed. Eating a tomato should choose organic. Organic tomatoes are healthier because it is free from chemical residues, both of fertilizers and pesticides. Tomatoes from the organic results are also higher in calcium, approximately 23 mg compared to inorganic tomato that contains only 5 mg of calcium.
Nutrition table Tomat/100 gContent of Tomatoes :Calories 20 calProtein 1.0 g0.3 g fatCarbohydrate 4.2 gCalcium 5 mgVitamin A 1500 SIViamin C 40 mg


Saturday, February 11

Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.)

Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Is a plant-finding common ground or a plant terna / trunked clump false (pseudo-stem = stem which is a metamorphosis of the leaves of plants) and dark green-brownish. Mature plant height of more than 1 meter but not more than 2 meters. In the area known as the Sunda Koneng Gede, in Madura called Temo radish.
Curcuma leafEach stem ginger has 2-9 elongated circular leaves. Leaves 31-84 cm long, 10-18 cm wide leaf. Petiole rather long, and each leaf is connected with the midrib. The leaves are green ginger and some are light to dark purplish brown.
Curcuma FlowerWild Ginger has a clustered flowers and unique shaped with deep yellow color. Having a slender stalk and a line-shaped scales, with a stalk of about 9-23 cm long and 4-6 cm wide. Has white petals and hairy, with a length of about 8-13 mm. Form tube-like crown of flowers, about 4.5 cm in length, has a lot of the protective leaf length commensurate with the crown of flowers. Strands of white flowers with elongated round shape and red tip or red dice, about 1.25 to 2 cm in length and width of 1 cm.

Rhizome of CurcumaHave a large ginger rhizome is formed and has a strong branch, the color is dark yellow, dark green or reddish brown.While the orange color of the meat is old rhizome or brown. The aroma is pungent and sharp taste bitter.
Place Plants Growing
Plants are often used as herbal medicine can be found on the land shaded and protected from the hot sun. Ginger plants we often encounter naturally thrive in the shade of oak trees or bamboo. However, because of its high adaptability to the tropical weather, the plant is also often found growing naturally in a place with sufficient intensity of the sun blazing like dry soil.Its roots can adapt well to different types of soil, be it a calcareous soil, sandy soil, and soil is rather heavy and contains clay.
Content of
Ginger rhizome contains protein, carbohydrates, and essential oil consisting of curcumin, camphor, turmerol, and glucosides.
The content of curcumin in turmeric as an efficacious anti-inflammatory (anti inflammatory) and anti hepototoksik (anti toxic bile). Ginger also has a pharmacological effect which is very important that as hepatoprotektor (to prevent heart disease), lower cholesterol, laxative (laxative), diuretic (laxative urine), and also able to relieve joint pain. Other benefits of ginger that is, smooth milk, increased appetite, and also cleanse the blood.In addition to a nutritious and medicinal herbs, flour / starch from ginger is also used as a source of carbohydrates. Starch from ginger is usually processed into puree food for babies and people suffering from indigestion.Other benefits, ginger can also be used to ward off dengue mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti, because they contain toxic compounds, which contain essential oils that linelool, geraniol having the phenol group of Aedes aegypty repellan power.

Benefits of Rosella Tea for Health

Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn.) Is a plant of the hibiscus family type. It is said that these plants originated Africa and the Middle East. These shrubs can reach 3-5 meters in height. If you've grown, this plant will be issued a red flower. The flowers and seeds is beneficial to good health.
Not very long ago had tried to make tea from rosella flowers, it's different with tea in general. Rosella tea has a bright red color and fresh flavor.
Every 100 grams of roselle contains 260-280 mg of vitamin C, vitamin D, B1 and B2. other content is 486 mg calcium, omega 3, magnesium, beta carotene and essential amino acids such as lysine and agrinine. Rosella flowers are also rich in fiber are good for the digestive tract.
Plants that reproduce by seeds is beneficial to good health. Stamina will increase if you drink the rosella, makes sense because in roselle contains vitamin C and essential minerals are quite high. Vitamin C rosella are also believed to ward off cancer-causing free radicals. High calcium can prevent bone loss. While the specific substances in the rosella can rejuvenate the body's cells and protects the body from bacteria and viral infections.
If you want to make rosella tea, take about 3-4 fresh rosella flowers / that has been drained, washed and halved. Brewed with 200 ml of hot water, stirring with a little tap-tap water until the petals are red, strain. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of honey. Serve warm.
Rosella flowers can also be used as raw material jam, bright red color, producing a colored jelly in healthy and beautiful. You need 250 g rosella flowers, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, water 150 ml, 150 g sugar, lemon juice / lime juice 3 tablespoons, 1/4 tsp vanilla paste and ¼ teaspoon of fine salt. How to make it; Blender rosella flower with water and cornstarch until smooth. Lift. Pour into a saucepan, add sugar and water. Cook until boiling, put lemon juice, vanilla and salt paste. Cook until the texture of the sauce thickens. Lift. Store in an airtight jar
Rosella flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is a type of herbal plant is very nutritious for health.

Thursday, February 9

Healthy Food for Your Brain

Each type of food has the benefit of each. But there are some foods that affect the performance of the brain, among others, to help the thinking process, plan to analyze.
Here are some foods which are beneficial to brain health, as quoted Genius Beauty.
Eggs to think fasterThe brain will function as obtain optimal nutritional intake of vitamin B12 which is essential for nerve cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes irritability, depression to lower cognitive abilities. Addition of folic acid is necessary for normal cell division, cells involved in hematopoiesis and regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
Iodine is also important in the performance of the thyroid gland. Deficiency of this hormone will cause lethargy, weight gain and depression. Besides vitamin D also enhances brain function and prevent the risk of depression, dementia, Parkinson disease, and PMS.
Eggs are one of the benefits of a rich source of nutrients to the brain. Put eggs in the daily diet.
Butter to improve memoryButter is often juxtaposed with bread at breakfast. When you put butter in the early days, you are protecting the health of the body to prevent hair loss, peeling nails and maintain skin elasticity.
In addition, the butter is very important for the brain. Processed foods of animal milk contains large amounts of nutrients are not found in vegetable oils, including vitamin A, which stimulates the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which affects mood and memory. Butter also contains vitamins D and B12.
Butter made from milk from cows that eat grass without chemicals have even doubled the omega 3 to reduce inflammation and promote the growth of new connections in the brain.
Plain butter also works to produce linoleic acid in the body that works to increase blood flow to the brain, prolonging the life of the cell and fight the negative effects of stress hormone cortisol.
Red meat improve academic performanceDespite the fact that red meat is considered hazardous foods, red meat is ideal because it contains iron is digested and absorbed properly. These compounds allow the supply of oxygen in the body.
Red meat is also a good source of vitamin B12. Zinc nutrition in it can improve academic performance. Organic red meat consumption also increases the production of linoleic acid in the body of 300-500 percent, compared with conventional beef.
Fish for a better IQThe main source of omega-3 fatty acids is fish. Fish contain fatty acids are two times more than tuna fish. And, these fish live in low-food chain so it does not accumulate mercury that is harmful to the human brain.
Pregnant women are advised to eat fish during pregnancy in order to have a child with high intelligence or IQ. [

Wednesday, February 8

Rose Extracts Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

Daily Dose rose herbal extracts can reduce the risk of heart disease. Obese patients consume a herbal extract of roses every day for six weeks of the results of blood pressure and cholesterol levels dropped significantly.

Small fruit found on roses bloom used for centuries as a traditional medicine to treat arthritis.

In a recent study published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists at Lund University in Sweden recruited 31 obese men and women. They were advised to consume 40 grams of powdered roses every day for six weeks with the apple extract and grape drink.

At the end of the experiment, researchers measured the body weight, blood pressure, blood lipid levels, glucose of volunteers. They found an average decline of 3.4 percent of the four factors triggering diabetes and heart disease. Meanwhile, their total cholesterol also decreased almost five percent.

Further examination revealed that decreased levels of LDL cholesterol that can increase the risk of heart disease.

As reported by dailymail, scientists are optimistic confirmed the cardiovascular benefits of rose extract. It could even be used as an alternative therapy of patients who are allergic to anti-cholesterol drug. [