Saturday, February 11

Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.)

Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Is a plant-finding common ground or a plant terna / trunked clump false (pseudo-stem = stem which is a metamorphosis of the leaves of plants) and dark green-brownish. Mature plant height of more than 1 meter but not more than 2 meters. In the area known as the Sunda Koneng Gede, in Madura called Temo radish.
Curcuma leafEach stem ginger has 2-9 elongated circular leaves. Leaves 31-84 cm long, 10-18 cm wide leaf. Petiole rather long, and each leaf is connected with the midrib. The leaves are green ginger and some are light to dark purplish brown.
Curcuma FlowerWild Ginger has a clustered flowers and unique shaped with deep yellow color. Having a slender stalk and a line-shaped scales, with a stalk of about 9-23 cm long and 4-6 cm wide. Has white petals and hairy, with a length of about 8-13 mm. Form tube-like crown of flowers, about 4.5 cm in length, has a lot of the protective leaf length commensurate with the crown of flowers. Strands of white flowers with elongated round shape and red tip or red dice, about 1.25 to 2 cm in length and width of 1 cm.

Rhizome of CurcumaHave a large ginger rhizome is formed and has a strong branch, the color is dark yellow, dark green or reddish brown.While the orange color of the meat is old rhizome or brown. The aroma is pungent and sharp taste bitter.
Place Plants Growing
Plants are often used as herbal medicine can be found on the land shaded and protected from the hot sun. Ginger plants we often encounter naturally thrive in the shade of oak trees or bamboo. However, because of its high adaptability to the tropical weather, the plant is also often found growing naturally in a place with sufficient intensity of the sun blazing like dry soil.Its roots can adapt well to different types of soil, be it a calcareous soil, sandy soil, and soil is rather heavy and contains clay.
Content of
Ginger rhizome contains protein, carbohydrates, and essential oil consisting of curcumin, camphor, turmerol, and glucosides.
The content of curcumin in turmeric as an efficacious anti-inflammatory (anti inflammatory) and anti hepototoksik (anti toxic bile). Ginger also has a pharmacological effect which is very important that as hepatoprotektor (to prevent heart disease), lower cholesterol, laxative (laxative), diuretic (laxative urine), and also able to relieve joint pain. Other benefits of ginger that is, smooth milk, increased appetite, and also cleanse the blood.In addition to a nutritious and medicinal herbs, flour / starch from ginger is also used as a source of carbohydrates. Starch from ginger is usually processed into puree food for babies and people suffering from indigestion.Other benefits, ginger can also be used to ward off dengue mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti, because they contain toxic compounds, which contain essential oils that linelool, geraniol having the phenol group of Aedes aegypty repellan power.