Thursday, February 16

Foods to Improve Immune System

As reported, Wednesday (14/12/2011), the following materials can add extra strength to fight the flu in winter.

1. YoghurtProbiotics in yogurt is a healthy bacteria that keep the intestines and digestive tract free of disease-causing germs.Though already available in supplement form, a study from the University of Vienna in Austria found that 7 ounces of yogurt each day is as effective as immune tonic.In a Swedish study of 181 factory employees, those who drank a daily supplement of Lactobacillus reuteri (probiotic specifically stimulates the function of white blood cells) have the amount of 33% fewer sick days than those given a placebo.Optimal dose: Two 6-ounce servings per day.

2. Wheat and barleyAccording to a study in Norway, these grains contain beta-glucan, a type of fiber with antimicrobial and antioxidant capabilities more potent than echinacea.When animals eat this compound, they tend to be less frequently attacked by influenza, herpes, even anthrax. In humans, the benefits can enhance immunity, memeprcepat wound healing, and help antibiotics work better.Optimal dose: At least one of three daily servings of whole grains.

3. GarlicOnions contain allicin, the active ingredient that fights infection and bacteria.British researchers gave 146 people a placebo or a garlic extract for 12 weeks. The result, participants who ate garlic two-thirds less likely to develop flu.Other studies have shown that people who chew garlic cloves a week over six levels of colorectal cancer and 30% lower rate of stomach cancer 50% lower.Optimal dose: Two raw cloves a day and add the crushed garlic in cooking for a couple of times a week.

4. FishSelenium are found in shellfish, lobster, and crabs. Its function is to help white blood cells produce proteins that help cytokine flu virus out of the body.Salmon, mackerel, and herring rich in omega-3 fatty bergyuna reduce inflammation, increase air flow, and protect the lungs from colds and respiratory infections.Optimal dose: Two servings a week (unless it is or planning to become pregnant).

5. Chicken soupResearchers from the University of Nebraska found that chicken-flavored ramen noodle block the inflammation caused by the migration of white blood cells.This finding is important because the symptoms of a cold response to the accumulation of cells in the bronchial tubes. Cysteine ​​amino acid produced from the chicken during the cooking process. These chemicals like bronchitis drug acetylcysteine.When added spices such as garlic and onions, may boost immunity.Optimal dose: One bowl when feeling tired.

6. TeaA Harvard study found that people who drank five cups of black tea a day for 2 weeks of being able to resist 10 times more virus in their blood than people who drank a placebo beverage.L-theanine, an amino acid responsible for increasing the immune system, much abundant in black tea and green tea either.Optimal dose: A few cups a day.

7. BeefZinc deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiency in adult Americans, especially for vegetarians and people who have reduced portions of beef, the main source of minerals that strengthen immunity.Zinc deficiency in the stage light alone can increase the risk of infection. Zinc in the diet is essential for the development of white blood cells, cells of the immune system that identifies and destroys bacteria, viruses, and various other substances.Optimal dose: 3 ounces of lean beef provides about 30 percent of the Daily Value of zinc. If you do not like beef, can try oysters, fortified cereals, pork, poultry, yogurt, or milk.

8. Sweet PotatoSweet potato serves as first-line fortress against bacteria and viruses that do not want.To stay strong and healthy, skin needs vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a major role in the production of connective tissue, a key component of the skin.One of the best ways to get vitamin A in the diet is from foods containing beta-carotene (such as sweet potatoes) are converted by the body into vitamin A.Optimal dose: One half-cup serving provides 170 calories but only 40 percent of the daily value of beta carotene. Other foods rich in beta-carotene: carrots, pumpkin, canned pumpkin, and melons.

9. MushroomsFor centuries, people around the world have made use of mushrooms for a healthy immune system.Studies show that mushrooms increase the production and activity of white blood cells, making them more aggressive. It is good when the body is exposed to infection.Optimal dose: shiitake, maitake, and reishi mushrooms appear to be most beneficial to the immune system. Experts recommend at least 1/4 ounce to an ounce several times a day.