Monday, November 28

5 Spices Body in Time for Warm Chills

The rainy season like now, make a person sick more easily. Flu, fever, or cold is a disease that is often experienced, especially for those who frequent outdoor activities.
One way to prevent the disease coming is to eat the herb material. The following ingredients and spices can also warm the body. As summarized Idiva, the following five types of spices that can be used for health.

1. Turmeric
Spice that comes from India is considered a natural antibiotic. Several studies in the medical field claims that turmeric works better than cortisone and phenylbutazon in the warm up. Turmeric is also useful to reduce the sore throat. Add saffron to the cooking or can also mix a little piece of turmeric in hot milk, bring to a boil again with the milk, stir and drink while warm.

2. Cardamom
Which uses a mixture of cardamom tea and cloves are very helpful in preventing flu and can warm the body. In addition, you can also boil two or three cardamom in a cup of water plus one tablespoon of honey, and drink before bed in order to warm the throat and facilitate breathing. Spicy seasoning mix that has a bitter taste has many other benefits, including reducing stomach cramps and rheumatism, prevents nausea, eliminate body odor, and heal tonsillitis. The aroma of cardamom is also believed to make the body become relaxed.

3. Ginger
Indonesian people used to drink ginger that has been made into herbal medicine. Ginger can also be mixed into a soup or milk. The anti-inflammatory properties in ginger can help fight sore throats and respiratory infections.

4. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices. Cinnamon is believed to stimulate blood circulation so that our bodies feel warmer, and can strengthen the immune system in the weather is unsettled. One teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one tablespoon of honey mixed with warm water to refresh the body condition, while reducing the cold. Which has a distinctive aroma of spices can also be mixed with ginger against wind. Other benefits of cinnamon you can see here.

5. Clove
Cloves can be used to treat respiratory problems and regulate body temperature. Add two or three cloves into the soup, tea, or curry to treat coughs. In addition, chewing cloves can be overcome strep throat. [wolipop]