Friday, November 25

3 Ways to Overcome Alternative Stomach Bloating

There are many causes of abdominal bloating. Could be due to trivial conditions, such as colds, but also because of serious illness, such as celiac disease or disorder of the digestive system.
"In addition, the condition of lactose intolerance or poor diet can also cause you to experience stress. When you're stressed, blood flow will be diverted from the digestive organs to the heart and muscles, so that the process of digestion is slower. Production of saliva is reduced, digestive enzymes become less, and can not digest food properly, "says Roberta Lee, MD, an expert in the field of integrative healing of Beth Israel's Continuum Center for Health and Healing, New York, and author of The SuperStress Solution.

To overcome this, there are some things you can do. Here are three suggestions from the experts:

1. Relieve stress
Lee encourages you to relaxation and exercise more often, because they can relieve the stress that can interfere with digestion. "Add food or drinks that contain good bacteria into your daily diet, such as yogurt and kefir. In addition, avoid eating while standing or while calling and playing computer," advises Lee.

2. Acupuncture treatment
"Flatulence is caused by the flow of qi much disturbed. Meanwhile, acupuncture can help to stimulate the qi to flow smoothly. In addition, exercise can also help to keep the qi is blocked," said Anna Perry, L.Ac, acupuncture practitioners of Crocus Hill Medicina Oriental, St. Paul, Minnesota. Frequently walk in the open, so that qi can flow naturally as you relax your mind and body.

3. Improve diet
"Food is not digested properly can make the stomach to be bloated. So, get used to chew your food at least 20 times before swallowing," anjur Karen Raden, MS, RD, a nutritionist from Chicago. In addition, you should consult with a nutritionist to find out what kind of food that can make the stomach to be bloated. "To prevent the digestion does not have to work too hard, you can eat soup or boiled foods. Avoid carbonated drinks as well. It is better to drink ginger tea or chamomile, which is proven to help relieve gas elements in the digestive tract," added the Prince again.[Natural Health, kompas]