It was common knowledge that the banana is the best fruit-producing potassium. But it turns out, there are other fruits that have twice the potassium of bananas, the pomegranate.
Six pomegranate contains 891 milligrams of potassium, which can lower blood pressure. The amount is approximately 20 percent of your body needs.
Pomegranate acts as a natural ACE inhibitor, which can reduce high blood pressure triggers the enzyme up to 36 percent. In fact, a maroon-colored fruit is also acting to reduce arterial plaque and improve blood flow to the heart.
A Dutch study of a number of people aged 55 years and over, proving that high potassium intake may reduce mortality rates.
As quoted by the Daily Mail, regular consumption of pomegranate juice also helped erode the fat around the abdomen. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh believe that pomegranate juice can reduce levels of fatty acids in the blood, known as the nonesterified or NEFA.
Emad Aldujaili and Catherine Tsang, principal researcher at Edinburgh University's School of Health Sciences, said, "Pomegranate juice is beneficial in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, because our results significantly and consistently able to lower blood pressure." [VIVAnews]