Sunday, January 1

Nutritious Foods for Men

Body fit and healthy is everyone's dream. To make it happen, it takes a strong commitment, healthy lifestyles and quality of nutrition derived from the food you eat.
To young men, it helps to know the types of nutritious foods and nutritious for your body. Below, there are some common types of food you eat, but others may have never known before. But there's nothing wrong, you try to eat them for health:
1. BitThese bulbs have a very sweet taste than other vegetables. The dark red fruit contains a lot of sugar in the rough skin layers. Why bit healthier? As well as spinach, beets are rich in folate and betaine content. Two types of these nutrients can reduce levels of homocysteine ​​in your blood vessels.
Homocysteine ​​is a compound in the blood may damage arteries and increase the risk of heart disease. The content of natural pigments - called betacyanins - the bit is a natural cancer prevention.
2. Cabbage / cauliflowerWho does not know this vegetable. One cup of chopped cabbage contains 22 calories and a number of other important nutrients. Call it sulforaphane, a chemical that can increase the production of enzymes in the body that inhibit the cellular damage from free radicals and reduce the risk of cancer. The experts at Stanford University stated, sulforaphane can increase the production of an enzyme inhibitor of cancer is more effective than other chemical compounds contained in vegetables.
3. GuavaGuava or Guava is a tropical fruit that has a complicated structure of the acid. The sweet taste of this fruit will taste when you bite in the middle. Guava is rich in lycopene content, a type of antioxidant that can cope with prostate cancer. A cup of Guava juice contains 688 milligrams of potassium, or 63 percent more than is found in bananas. Guava is also known as high-fiber foods. There are about 9 grams of fiber in a glass of Guava.
4. Swiss chardHalf cup of cooked Swiss chard contains 10 mg each of lutein and zeaxanthin. According to Harvard scientists, two of these compounds - also known as carotenoids - may protect the retina from damage caused by aging. Two of these nutrients, which is actually a pigment, will accumulate in the retina, which is used to absorb various types of short-wave rays that could potentially damage the eye. Therefore, the more lutein and zeaxanthin intake, the better protection of your eyes.
5. CinnamonCinnamon can help you control your blood pressure monitor, which would affect the risk of heart disease. In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) states, people with type-2 diabetes who consumed 1 gram of cinnamon daily for six weeks (about 1/4 teaspoon per day) significantly decreased blood sugar, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Cinnamon contains methylhydroxychalcone polymers, which can increase the body's cells ability to metabolize sugar by up to 20 times.
6. PurslanePurslane or purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is one of the weeds that grow in chili oil. This weed known as nutritious crops in several countries such as China, Mexico and Greece. In Indonesia purslane is also known to have utility as a refreshing, tonic in a state of fatigue or a substitute for ginseng
According to experts at the University of Texas at San Antonio, purslane contained in omega-3 is very good for heart health. The scientists also reported that purslane contain melatonin - a type of antioxidants can prevent cancer growth - 10 to 20 times more than any other fruit or vegetable.
7. Pomegranate juiceFor years, pomegranate juice is known as a popular drink, especially in the Middle East region. Israeli scientists reveal that men who drank 2 ounces (about 60 ml) of pomegranate juice every day for a year decreased systolic pressure by 21 percent. These habits also improve blood circulation system. Get used to drink 4 ounces of pomegranate juice because it can meet 50 percent of vitamin C your body eraser day.
8. Gojiberri or wolfberry fruitBecause it tastes sweet, herbal red light for a long time used as a nutritious ingredient that can be added to the dishes of boiled meat, chicken or seafood.
Wolfberry fruits contain beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and B2, beta-sitosterol (an anti-inflammatory), linoneat acid, and other useful materials. Based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, wolfberry efficacious strengthen blood circulation, strengthen the kidneys and liver and provide moisture to the lungs. Wolfberry is often used to treat the disease "consumption" which is characterized by thirst (as in diabetes and tuberculosis), mengarasi dizziness, blurred vision, lack of clear vision and chronic cough.
9 Fruit PremThis fruit contains acid and chlorogenic neochlorogenic, a type of antioxidant that is effective against the "superoxide anion radical." These types of free radicals can cause damage to cells that cause cancer in particular.
10. Pumpkin seedsPumpkin seeds may be the most bernutirisi part of the flask. By eating pumpkin seeds, magnesium your body needs will be met. This is important because French scientists have recently found men with high levels of magnesium in their blood have a tendency to 40 percent lower risk of early death, than men with low levels of magnesium. Men should consume an average of 353 mg of this mineral every day, while the USDA recommends at least 420 mg. [