Thursday, November 3

Tips to Know Fatal Error Employees

The Company will not put any sympathy (zero tolerance) at 4 under this act. The Company assumes that you, as an employees, has made ​​a fatal mistake which is a potentially recurring errors in the future so as to what your company maintain. You may experience a termination of employment / fired or at least be downgraded, so be careful. Here are four of these fatal errors:

1. Honestly no. Hiding facts and important information from colleagues and management is an act strictly prohibited. The company will quickly get rid of employees that can not be trusted as a hobby is lying.

2. Got Affair. Dating with co-workers is not prohibited. But, have a relationship with a colleague who has been married or had an affair with the boss or manager can destroy everything, good relationship and career.

3. Sexual Violence. Perform actions such as this at the office colleagues clearly could drag you to court. Included in this category is a joke or distribute pornographic material to colleagues. Save it for yourself.

4. Steal. No need to be clarified again that a thief certainly will not be accepted anywhere.