All parents make mistakes. Especially on new parents, there are some of the most frequent mistakes made. To that end, here are tips to know 10 errors on the new parents:
1. Panicked On Everything. Many parents act when the baby excessive vomiting, spitting and so on. Parents finally make the first year of life to take care of little things, such as whether the baby cry a lot, eat enough or too little. Though babies are more resilient than we imagine.
2. Not Letting the baby cry. Babies are designed to cry. Cry is part of being a baby. However, if your baby is crying for a long time, associated fever or vomiting, contact your doctor immediately.
3. Babies wake To Suckling. Breastfed babies can sleep through the night. There is a misconception, milk does not make sleeping through the night. Then, the baby awakened only to suckle.
4. Confused Between Spitting and Vomiting. The difference is the frequency. Spit or spray, it could throw so far, while vomiting is about frequency. The virus in the digestive tract would make the baby would throw up every 30-45 minutes, depending on their time eating.
5. Worryingly Fever In Newborn. Fever is about 38 degrees Celsius as measured through the anus in the first 3 months of infancy, is already a sign of an emergency. Exception if the baby is getting immunizations. Should Parents be alert when Few months old baby has a fever, take it to a doctor IMMEDIATELY.
6. Not Installing Right Seat Baby In Car. When you buy a special baby seat vehicle, set it up properly understood, because it involves someone's life.
7. Ignoring Oral Care. Many new parents do not pay attention to infant oral health. Use wet gauze to clean your baby's gums. Start using a toothbrush when infants aged 1 year. Ask suggestion to clean baby teeth baby.
8. Ignoring Marriage. Stay connected one samalain now have your first baby, it is very important for you both. When should focus on the new baby, you still have to maintain harmony with a partner.
9. Often Arguing in Front of Baby. 3-month-old infants were able to capture the atmosphere of strife. Try to avoid contention let alone a frightening
10. Believe In What Resources Can not Be Believed. Many new parents, went to the wrong place to ask for advice. Should ask the doctor to obtain the correct information.