Prior to using the money properly understood, it is better if you first recognize the mistakes when you spend and manage money. Remember the joke wise in the IT world that says, "To be an agile cyber police, you must first be capable of being a hacker is reliable". To that end, here are 7 tips in identifying errors intelligent spending and managing your money:
1. The first mistake you normally do in managing your money is piling up the bills. Because with your bills piling up, you accumulate and enlarge the number of total debt (including the risk of rising interest your bill) that will beitu weight you're willing to pay at the end of the tempo. One way to prevent this is to use a credit card with a more responsible, looking for credit with low interest loans, or when shopping, try to use the money in cash (credit card use only for the desperate condition only).
2. The second error is the uncertainty whether or not your disbelief to the insurance, which can actually protect yourself from large expenditures unexpected. Large expenditures unforeseen in general due to the needs of sudden / suddenly (urgent), such as illness, accidents and the cost of education which now includes the need for costly. To that end, sudan's time you consider using life insurance (especially if you are married), home insurance, car insurance or education.
3. The third mistake is frequent, delay / suspend to save or invest. The purpose of saving and invest is earn a profit through interest / margin. Both have different characters, saving money has a low risk and profits are high risk investments while at the same time high profits. In saving and investing, your best friend is time. The earlier you save / invest the more profit you will earn and the earlier you save / invest, the faster you memperleh advantage. Wait and delay will only make you not able to achieve your goals in terms of financial security.
4. The fourth mistake is you can never put aside money in small amounts untuik sudden needs. For that, you should open a special savings account to hold funds 'only' for those sudden needs. Try leaving a little money from your monthly income and transfer to a 'special savings account is' that each month. This will prevent you 'interfere' deposits in your main savings account.
5. The fifth mistake is not to automate a debit for the payment of savings deposits and investments. Try to choose auto debit facility to pay your income or your savings account, so it feels without you will find your savings accumulate more quickly. Automation helps make it easy to save regularly, without missing and without much effort you are.
6. The sixth mistake is to use the loan to switch cars / vehicles. This occurs when a person really is not so able to buy a car, but very eager and even has an alternate car. Why? Because, basically, the car / vehicle-and electronic-goods also tend to decrease in value (depreciate), so if you frequently use the loan to switch car / vehicle, your loan interest rate becomes comparable to the value of the goods you buy (car) . Suppose you use a loan with a term of 5 years, at the end of the loan is paid off, definitely worth far more expensive than the price of your car at that time (the end of the settlement). In other words you lose without you knowing it. For that, try to plan the purchase of such cars, and use the car if possible forever.