Thursday, November 3

Filing Tips In Proper Apology

Apologize the right way not only makes the person you hurt feel better, but also make you feel calmer. Following the previous article featured Tips Apologizes To Children With Right, the following tips will give you tips on how to submit an apology to someone else (friend / partner / lover) exactly:

1. Confessing One. Apologizing is good must begin by acknowledging the error. This factor skelter in asking for forgiveness. Useless to say sorry if you do not ever want to admit mistakes. Begin the apology by admission of guilt and regret.

2. Without a Broker. Apologize directly is not easy, because the inner struggle will happen. Shy, nervous, uncomfortable baseball, you will definitely feel. But trust me it is much better than you are sending someone else to say sorry. Or just call and send SMS. Because it is also possible misunderstanding alias distortion.

3. Short and Solid. If you can not apologize in person, or mistakes made by including the category of 'heavy', you can do so in writing. The best query letter is a brief and concise. Do not write, "I will do" x "," y "and" z "to you later." In the recipient will think, "Oh, so she wanted to repeat the mistake again". Write the letter seriously, just as the seriousness he read your letter.

4. Do not throw an error. Do not pass the blame to others. for example, you apologize for not being able to avoid an invitation. In the apology, you blame the secretary, because he did not give the invitation to you on time. "If only my secretary to give the invitation teapt time, where mungkins aya did not come."

5. Sincere. Convey a sincere apology and not pretend. Remember, clever-clever playacting, the other person can sense or not there is sincerity in your tone.

6. Sambari Coffee. The apology should not be done formally and with the standard arrangement. In a relaxed atmosphere such as coffee or lunch can be done. Convey a request as simple as possible so that he understands.

7. Give The Gift. Not intended to bribe, but it would be better if your apology with something that became his favorite. Whether it's chocolate, or buy lunch. Think of it as a gift because you have hurt him.

8. Do Dispute. If she spilled her anger, just listen. Do not cut angry because he will get angry. After his temper subsides you explain the new situation and condition of the truth.