Saturday, October 15

Various Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are easily digested, the sugar contained in fruit is turned into a great source of energy quickly, and that's good in the formation of the body, to the working muscles, and is great for relieving fatigue. Banana benefits include:
= For Patients with Anemia
Two bananas are eaten by patients with anemia every day is enough, because it contains Fe (iron) high.
= Banana and Beauty
Banana pulp mixed with a little milk and honey, smeared on your face every day on a regular basis for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with warm water then rinse with cold water or ice, repeated for 15 days, will produce a stunning effect on the skin.
= For Pregnant Women
Bananas are also recommended for pregnant women consumed because they contain folic acid, which is easily absorbed by the fetus through the uterus. However, do not be too much, because a banana contains about 85-100 calories .= For People Lever
Patients with liver disease eating bananas good two plus one tablespoon of honey, will increase appetite and make strong.
= To Burn
Banana leaves can be used for the treatment of burned skin smeared manner, a mixture of banana leaf ash plus coconut oil has the effect of cooling the skin.
= For Diabetes
In the Gorontalo (North Sulawesi), type the banana banana goroho typical local area, an additional food / staple for people who have low blood sugar / diabetes mellitus, particularly bananas goroho immature, then steamed and mixed with grated young coconut.
= Bananas to Regulate Body Weight
Bananas also have a role in weight loss as well as to gain weight. It has been proven a person lose weight by dieting 4 (four) bananas and 4 (four) cups non-fat milk or liquid milk per day at least 3 days a week, the number of calories just 1250 and the menu is quite healthy.
In addition, the diet does not make skin greasy and clean. On the other hand, consume a glass of banana milk-shake mixed with honey, fruits, nuts, and mango after dinner, will raise the weight.
= For Bowel and Stomach Diseases
Bananas mixed with liquid milk (or put in a glass of liquid milk) can be served as a remedy in cases of intestinal disease. It can also be recommended for patients with abdominal pain and Cholik to neutralize gastric acidity.
A banana served as a defense against inflammation because Vitamin C can be quickly processed. He transforms into harmless bacillus bacillus-friendly. Thus, both will be helped.
Mashed banana or banana cream (such as for baby food), can be consumed by patients suffering from diarrhea.
= Other Benefits:
In "Medicinal Uses of Bananas" (, 2002) mentions, that the banana has a benefit in the treatment of anemia, lowered blood pressure, the energy to think, to help a diet rich in fiber, a banana peel can be used as an anti-mosquito cream, helps nervous system, can help smokers to eliminate the influence of nicotine, stress, prevent stroke, controlling body temperature, especially for pregnant women, neutralize gastric acidity, and so on.
Banana plants genetically can produce a vaccine that is cheap and as an alternative to the child's defense against disease. Researchers are trying from bananas to produce antigens for coating Hepatitis B. If the Hepatitis B vaccine is successful will be very cheap.
Other researchers developed a banana that can help in the fight against measles / chicken pox, yellow fever, polio, and diphtheria. Currently, researchers have tried to volunteer, where shown 10 percent drop in blood pressure by eating two bananas a day. (Iis)