Thursday, December 22

Food Causes Body Odor

ALREADY expensive perfume spray, body odor but would not go away? Should you need to observe what kind of food you consume daily. Because the truth of certain foods can also bring in less pleasant fragrance on the body, if taken to excess!

The following tips expelled from the body odor of foods consumed, quoted from

Reduce consumption of onions
Onion is a kind of spice that is often used in various types of cuisine. Excessive consumption of onions causes menyeruaknya sulfur content that will be released through the pores of the skin in the form of sweat.

Stay away from alcoholic beverages
Excessive alcohol consumption will increase perspiration, which in turn will effect scent is not pleasant.

Avoid foods low in carbohydrates
Diets that do not contain carbohydrates can cause the release of chemicals called ketones in your blood stream causing an undesirable odor.

Dairy products
Protein-rich dairy products from the food will take longer to digest. Excess consumption of dairy products can cause the release of hydrogen sulfide which can easily lead to odor. [mediaindonesia]