NOT just as a snack and materials complement the type of food or beverages, chocolate is also believed to be one of the therapy of various diseases.
It was welcomed by other research to investigate new content in chocolate, hosted in the University of California.
Research carried out by using two mice, concluded that the chemical content such as epicatechin can enhance physiological responses in leg muscles.
In that study, rats given a supplement made from chocolate, and the other does not. During the week the study, mice were given daily supplements of chocolate looks very actively engaged.
Different compared to mice not given chocolate, they seem not active. From this research, the scientists argue that the same can be applied to the muscle-building workout program.
As quoted from the site Deborah Hyell, one team member stated, the chemical in cocoa may foster psychological response in an increase in muscle mass.
To get the benefits of chocolate, you can consume in a reasonable range, which is about two bites a day.
You'll want to choose the type of dark chocolate because it contains antioxidants that are more abundant. [mediaindonesia]