In theory, what is actually put in the mouth can be digested by our digestive organs. But changes in the process of food preparation (frying), coupled with a passive lifestyle, make the stomach often "fussy" in response to food intake. Limiting the intake of certain types is a wise way to avoid stomach upsets. Four of these foods for example.
1. Foods high in fat and fried foods
Good foods high in fat or fried may trigger a negative response to the abdomen, such as heartburn (heartburn) or acid reflux. Foods high in fat can also cause the color to be pale stools called steatorrhea, the excess fat in feces. People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome are also advised to avoid foods high in fat, including cream and butter.
2. spicy foods
People who already suffer from heartburn or irritable bowel syndrome should reduce the food is too spicy.
3. dairy products
Dairy products are an easily digestible source of calcium the body, but for those who suffer from lactose intolerance can be a pain after enjoying dairy products. Symptoms include abdominal bloating, frequent bowel movements, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea.
4. alcohol
Alcohol may make the body relax, but unfortunately have also picked up the esophagus to relax. The result is heartburn or heartburn. Hearburn occurs when stomach acid churning up into the esophagus or throat.
Alcohol drinking habits will also make the stomach lining is inflamed which can interfere with absorption of nutrients from food. Too much alcohol will also cause diarrhea and stomach cramps. [FOXNews, kompas]