When children start asking about sexuality, in fact this is the right time for you to start teaching sex education to children. Sex education is a process to obtain information about the formation of attitudes and eyakinan gender identity, relationships and intimacy. In sex education, given knowledge of the factual, realistic, honest and open. Sex will be understood from the proper perspective, and will instill confidence and enhance children's ability to make decisions. This is related to how to act according to gender, so that children are not confused with self-actualization and sexual behavior. Sex education is not a taboo thing to be taught to children. It should be given sex education at an early age. To that end, the following tips to introduce proper sex education to children who are divided into several stages:
- Ages 1-4 Years. Start introducing the anatomy of the body. Recommend, "It's the nose, this hand, this breast, ..." Explain that boys and girls Allah created different, each with its own uniqueness.
- Ages 5-7 Years. Child's curiosity about the sexual aspect of the rise. They will ask different organs themselves with others. Parents are expected to explain this to the patient and communicative.
- Ages 8-10 Years. Children are able to distinguish and identify causal relationships. Parents can explain in a simple process of reproduction, for example about the egg and sperm which if met will form a baby.
- Ages 10-12 Years. Children have started to enter puberty is marked by physical changes and interest in the opposite sex. It's time parents invest in a more factual sex education and open.