One of the conflicts that arise at work is the attitude temapt envy from colleagues. It is not possible, this situation would hamper the work because you are not made uncomfortable by such negative attitudes. How it should behave? The following, outlines tips on how the liver irir in the workplace:
- Show that You Do not Want to compete. Jealousy arose because co-workers felt they were in the midst of competition with others, because it's a sense of insecurity can lead someone to be jealous. Be more down to earth to colleagues, show that you appreciate their work and has no intention of stealing their jobs. Thereby reducing anxiety and envy them against you. Give praise when they do a good job, and convey a polite suggestion that they could improve performance. Make sure that your tone is not merendahka or too aggressive, because it will bring the opposite results.
- Avoiding Arguments. Although annoyed by the attitude of colleagues, but it is important for you to show the impression that you are not affected his attitude. Envy people who deliberately want to provoke emotion, and they also deliberately wanted to provoke emotion, and they also liked to link the problem of work with things that are not relevant. Do not be provoked emotions. If colleagues are aware that you are not hooked, they will stop by itself.
- Being Beware. People who act excessively jealous sometimes, for example, a friend tries to sabotage success. If you are envied, be careful. Pay attention and note things that could harm you. For example, gossip is bad-mouthing you, or even slander. Make sure if you have evidence to explain that this is not true.
- Be Professional. Remain neutral and professional colleague of envy. Never respond to his actions in a way that is not rude and rough. When someone from your company that you are jealous of the success achieved, show them why you can achieve success. Give them an example that the professionalism in the office is the real way to achieve success.
- Bosses Know Love. If envy her cause behavior that has gone too far and can not be tolerated anymore, it's good if you talk with your boss. No need to complain sikpa and dramatize the problem, because this will only create new problems again later. Tell me what it is alone, according to the facts.