Monday, October 17

Benefits of Basil Leaves

One benefit for healthy living environment. There are also cure the disease. By leveraging the existing plants in the environment around our homes can get a panacea. One of them by using this basil plant can give a good effect on our bodies. And if you have problems with disease or you are a sufferer of this disease to be one solution for your illness.
Basil is a plant that can live in the surrounding pages. If we have a problem with body odor, bad breath, or butter milk, can be overcome by familiarizing yourself eating a salad of fresh basil. In the book "A Practical Dictionary of Medical Materials", John Henry M. mention, basil juice efficacious cure diarrhea, breast pain, kidney stones, disruption of the vagina, and also can overcome albuminaria, namely the concentration of albumin in the urine.
According to a team of researchers from the Center for New Crops and Plant Products, Purdue University, United States, basil proven to cure headaches, colds, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal worms, and kidney disorders. They also suggest the efficacy of treatment with basil leaves, which can cope with heartburn, flatulence, colds, cramps, lethargy and loss. In addition, the aroma of basil can reject a mosquito bite.
Since time immemorial, the juice of basil essential oil distilled to be taken. John Henry basil oil is classified as high volatile oil. That is, the smell of basil soon disappear after 24 hours applied to the body. For comparison, the category of essential oil, the smell will disappear after 3 days is applied, while the low category of essential oils, the aroma is lost after a week.
In addition, basil oil services overcome digestive disorders such as indigestion, vomiting, intestinal infections, stomach ulcers, and gas in the intestine. Also, disorders of the head (such as ear pain, fever, sore nasal passages, migraine), muscle disorders (spasms or cramps), and neurological disorders (anxiety, depression, hysteria, weakness, insomnia, nervousness).