Chili peppers are a popular family in the world of cuisine. He can be processed into salad, sauteed, or baked. There are a variety of paprika color, but all have the same high antioxidant content.
Beside rich in vitamin C, peppers are also full of various nutrients, such as thiamine, vitamin B6, beta-carotene, and folic acid. He also contain phytochemicals that have antioxidant activity such as chlorogenic acid, capcaisin, zeaxanthin, and coumeric acid.
Although both contain nutrients, but according to studies cited from the site everynutrient, red peppers contain more nutrients than green brother. Red peppers also mengadung lycopene, the active ingredient which is proven to prevent cancer and heart disease.
Probably because the content of vitamin C and beta carotene are high, peppers known to have a protective effect against cataracts. Fruit is crisp and slightly spicy taste is also shown to prevent blood clotting, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
The results also showed peppers can protect the body from inflammation of the joints or arthritis. In research published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Disease mention the less mengasup foods contain vitamin C are at risk of arthritis are three times more affected than those who simply contain foods high in vitamin C. [kompas]