Friday, December 9

Benefits of Turmeric for Cancer

Turmeric is known as a type of herb that is often used as a spice in various cuisines. Spices with the Latin name Curcuma Longa is becoming increasingly interesting to study, because in addition to having the sensation of taste and a distinctive color, turmeric is also believed to reduces the growth of head and neck cancer.

This is evidenced in a study at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Centre, which states that the main component in turmeric with curcumin can suppress the name of the cell lines in human saliva that causes the growth of head and neck cancer.

Dr. Marilene Wang, one of the researcher and senior author of the study and the Jonsson Cancer Center said, curcumin contained in turmeric can suppress cancer growth by way of an attack affecting the saliva itself by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines in saliva. This study has been published in the American Association of Cancer Research. [mediaindonesia]