Sunday, October 16

Tips to Overcome Vertigo with Efficacy Tempe

Vertigo or dizziness incredible pain. This can be overcome by consuming foods thatcontain vitamin neurotropok such as vitamin B1, B6, B12. Tempe is the foods thatcontain these vitamins. Vitamins are important in the metabolism and synthesis ofnerve cells that continue to move, providing energy to the body to keep it dynamic.Deficiency is the body's metabolism will be disturbed and cause neurogenic pain,namely vertigo.
Tempeh, soy foods results from the fungus Rhisopus vermentasi oligosporus. A piece of tempeh contains carbohydrates, fat, protein, fiber, vitamins, enzymes,daidzein, genisten, as well as antibacterials that are beneficial to health.
Tempe has a content and digestibility values ​​better than soy. So it is very well takenfor all ages, from infants to the elderly.
On the nutritional value of tempeh increased levels of vitamin B2, B12, niacin andpantorenat acid. Tempe is also believed to prevent anemia and osteoporosis, twodiseases mainstay of women who are lazy to eat for fear of being fat. Can also lower blood cholesterol levels. Compound protein, fatty acids, PUFAs, fiber, niacinand calcium can reduce kplesterol tempeh evil. In Tempe also found antioxidants in the form of much-needed isofalvon reaksipembentukan to stop free radicals. If thesoybeans contain three types of isoflavones: daidzein, and genistein glisitein, there is also an antioxidant factor II (6,7,8 trihydroxy isoflavone) which is the most powerfulisoflavone isoflavones than others.
Research at the University of North Carolina, USA, found genestein andphytoestrogen in Tempe, which is useful for preventing prostate cancer, breast cancer, and aging.