Monday, October 24

Overcoming Disease Eczema With Natural

Eczema is a type of skin disease. Disease that makes this itch can be treated by sharing ways:
- Look for a new coconut roots in pieces from the tree. Especially the ivory palm roots. The roots are cut into pieces and then boiled. Drink 1 cup every morning for a week in a row.
- Place a handful of banana leaf china, whiting and salt on the skin that get eczema. Do it for a week.
- Treat with the tobacco soak in 1 cup warm water. then wring it out and take the juice. Clean olesilah with eczema and the herb juice three times a day.
- Coconut shell specifically for the treatment of wet eczema. How: coconut shell and bake some perspective of collecting oil out of the shell that has become coals. Apply coconut oil on the diseased skin moist eczema.