Foods that contain the benefits of these drugs have proven efficacy than Viagra.According to Dr. Dora Akunyili, director of the Federal Agency Food and Medicine, Nigeria, in his presentation to ask him further minimize the consumption of Viagra, and began to replace it with chocolate pieces in a size appropriate to help increase libido.In his meeting with the vice governor of the territory of Nigeria, Akunyili stressed the benefits of the cocoa bean to increase libido.
The campaign theme "Feeding Your Imagination", was launched as a way to market the six types of chocolate products that contain essential oils that can enhance and improve your mood, especially sexual desire.
In addition to improving the development of cocoa products launched by the national committee of Nigeria, this study also performed as one of the campaign in favor of a chocolate product from the UK trade association, as reported by AFP on Wednesday (09.13.06).
Alone for the British chocolate is the food that must, even in the whole of Europe, Britain became the most widely consumed chocolate, with an average consumption nearly 10 kilos annually. Considering this fact, the British chocolate manufacturers want to develop a unique market and favored brown adults.
Chocolate is marketed for U.S. $ 6 (about Rp.54.000) per rod (weighing 100 grams) is also carrying the names of sensual smells, such as: Sexy, Beautiful, Dreamy, Fantastic, Sensual and Lovely, as written
Meanwhile for Akunyili, chocolate itself is the product of 'love' is better than taking Viagra. Viagra can cause effects that we do not want, but the chocolate has not been shown to have adverse side effects of the body. Even chocolate is the best antioxidant, helps reduce the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, and certainly raise the libido.
Why chocolate can be included in the list of food required during sexual activity? In his report Akunyili said chocolate contains chemicals that are very diverse, where chocolate is predicted to contain more than 300 chemical substances, including small amounts of caffeine, theobromine, and a stimulant called phenylethylamine (related to amphetamines) are also contained in chocolate, which proved could raise the interest and sexual function in eating chocolate.
In a meeting of national committee to promote chocolate, deputy governor of Nigeria looks enthusiastic with the promotion of chocolate products, which will indirectly increase the cocoa beans in domestic products. What's more chocolate could help cure breast cancer treatment, chronic cough and mengingkatkan treating brain performance.