An action on productivity studies showed that the responsible management skills is an important factor in achieving high productivity in technology-based organizations (Robert M Ranftl).Advances in information technology to be one characteristic of the era of globalization. Society is ready or not ready to face this era and is also able to find a variety of opportunities in an increasingly globalized world with a new economic system of capitalism. Every business manager must accept the pressure of market mechanisms, as well as finding alternative methods and approach to business that can survive. Important answer to the challenge and seek business opportunities in the era of globalization, every business organization must be able to increase the productivity of organizations and individuals working in human resources.Robert M Ranftl provide seven key tips to achieve high productivity and creativity.
1. Expertise, responsible management. Management is the main factor of productivity, they are moving. Creative Management is completing work optimally with existing resources. It occurs that is not easily reconcilable dialogue between individual quality (IQ, education, high value) with the difference between the attitudes and motivations. To achieve high productivity, every HR should be highly motivated, positive and fully participate in conducting the work.
2. Extraordinary leadership. Produce a true leader of people and organizations best. For it must have a knack for solving problems with a result.
3. Organizational and operational simplicity. Devising or designing discourse organization must provide a simple, flexible, slender and can adjust for changes.
4. Effective Staffing. Selecting HR in the organization would have to consider the capability (quality) and terhindah from other forms of nepotism. Relevance of quality human resources with the work becomes very important to consider in choosing an effective employee.
5. A challenging task. Each task or job that mandated by the person, will be key to the process of creative and productive individuals.
6. Planning and control purposes. Organizations should conduct effective planning.Ineffective planning a big leak in produkvifitas memnyebabkan. While effective planning improving operational productivity.
7. Menajerial special training. Any management should be given additional capabilities and training khususmelalui short and long term, and provided a forum to expose themselves seminars managerial skills development.
7 Tips provides discourse and understanding, efforts to increase productivity can be discussed from various angles. In an organization capable of implementing these seven tips, it is not likely to be able to increase productivity significantly.