Pumpkin nutritious increases appetite. Wrap a slice of pumpkin, a leaf of red onionand a little honey, then steamed until cooked. After that lift and take the water, then drink. This herb can also be used to cure nausea and colds.
Pumpkin water, can cure the disease typhus. That is, with water used to makepumpkin as a side dish at dinner.
- Grated Pumpkin water can reduce the heat. Drink water that has been gratedpumpkin in the previous strain.
Yellow Pumpkin efficacious cure gastric disease. The top of the pumpkin stems arecut approximately 5 cm from the base of the stalk msh fused with the fruit to decay,is used as a cover piece. Then enter the 2 tablespoons sugar cubes and steam until cooked. Eat pumpkin in a manner menyendoknya directly from the fruit. Do eatpumpkin steamed this every day until the stomach does not hurt anymore.
Siam pumpkin can be used to to treat warts on the skin and eyes of fish. A squashfruit that is usually used for cooking vegetables lodeh, cut the ends, then apply the sap contained in the warts or eyelets. Do it every day after bathing, until wart ormissing eyelets