Monday, October 17

Alternative Hair Care (Part 1)

Hair is the crown for the women. Thus the predicate that is provided to parts of the body that grow in the head Women. Below listed various types of alternative hair care and maintenance.
  1. Often an error occurred while wiping the hair, until broken or snap. Caution careful if you wipe, especially in the roots and underneath. Rub layer along the hair by following the direction of hair growth.
  2. Binding hair the wrong way can interfere growth.For avoid such errors, do not ever tie your hair with rubber. We recommend using rubber or plastic coated fabric
  3. The easy way to comb my hair recently completed a bun, using baby powder first soft. Apply in advance powder throughout the hair, then comb your hair combed. Hair combed after all, then washed as usual.
  4. Relieve itching due to dandruff, can use the clay. The trick: wet your hair like shampoo.last clay evenly into the scalp. Once clean, then wash with shampoo. Do this several times, until the itching in the head missing. During this treatment, should not exchange combs with other people.
  5. In order for hair to grow thick and black, often to eat with dishes of goat knees and many are eating tubers.
  6. For black hair, fried papaya seeds without oil should not be burned until dry, then crushed into powder, put coconut oil and mix until blended. Then, rub evenly into the scalp and wrap for 1 or 2 hours. After that, wash up clean, do it once a week.